Do not turn to the creation for assistance but ask for your needs only from ALLAH. Where circumstances make it necessary to approach one of the creations for some aid, then the first step is to fill one’s heart with the love of ALLAH, and ALLAH in turn would guide the individual towards his goal which may be achieved through the instrument of any creation
through the Will of ALLAH. Thus the assistance is directly from ALLAH through the agency of HIS choice.
O! Those who cause injury to the pious: take pity upon yourself and study the above HADITH. The pious people are those who bring faith in ALLAH, are righteous, recognise ALLAH and have trust in HIM. Pity is for you, who hurt the feelings of the virtuous ,for shortly you would be dying and dragged out of your home, departing forever from wealth for which you had been sacrificing your life but neither would that wealth now benefit you in any way nor would it alleviate your difficulties.